Repsol’s researchers have leveraged technology from French geostatistics boutique Geovariances to develop new ways of incorporating dynamic data in its geological reservoir models. The novel workflows investigate hydraulic connections between wells and help characterize flow pathways. The technique uses ‘border effects’ and ‘transition probabilities’ to QC and validate the sedimentological model of carbonates. Border effect/contact analysis is an exploratory data analysis technique that seeks to determine how a dataset should be divided up into facies. Transition analysis performs a similar function using Markov chains.
The techniques were developed using Geovariances’ Isatis geostatistics package and will be incorporated into future Repsol workflows. The approach is said to improve model quality by integrating multiple data sources in a consistent manner. The methods have also now been packaged in semi-automatic procedures to facilitate their use by non specialists. Repsol’s Laurent Fontanelli said, ‘This cooperation with Geovariances has improved our team’s knowledge of stochastic modeling and connectivity issues.’
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