Yokogawa has acquired Houston-headquartered Soteica Visual Mesa, a provider of energy and emissions management, production-yield accounting, supply chain scheduling and blending optimization software. SVM’s software will join Yokogawa’s cloud-based data-as-a-service Industrial Knowledge (formerly Industrial Evolution) and the KBC Advanced Technologies unit, led by KBC CEO, Andy Howell. Visual Mesa adds optimization software to KBC’s energy consultancy and simulation platform for hydrocarbon processing facilities, PetroSim.
Yokogawa executive VP Satoru Kurosu commented, ‘The integration of SVM and IK with KBC combines business, process, and operational domain knowledge across the energy and chemicals sectors. The cloud-based, real-time representation of plant, business, and supply chain operations will help identify and implement solutions to sustain and continuously improve performance.’
Howell added, ‘These offerings are now delivered through a state-of-the-art, proven cloud service model and bring new possibilities such as continuous model updating, mobile delivery, and seamless hand-off between rigorous simulation and big data analytics.’
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