Exprodat has been working with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) to ‘tell the story’ of Russian pipeline dreams and realities. The work was performed to illustrate the conclusions of a July 2015 CSIS publication titled, ‘From pipe dreams to pipelines’ by Edward Chow and Zachary Cuyler. The report is an investigation into several yet-to-be completed Russian pipeline projects whose total cost is put at between $150 and $200 billion. The authors doubt that Russia will be able to finance these and that the country is ‘groping’ for a viable gas export strategy.
Exprodat has converted the CSIS data into an Esri Story Map (ESM). ESM is an online service to combine data, text, images and video with maps. Exprodat’s Simon Kettle said, ‘The Story Map is a great way of presenting the CSIS report, with its references to Russian geography which will be unfamiliar to the majority of readers. The new web-based presentation lets readers visualize the project and understand what is going on in Russia right now.’ The CSIS is a Washington-based ‘bipartisan’ not-for-profit with substantial support from the oil and gas industry. Watch the Russian pipeline story unfold here.
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