Meera launches digital energy cloud

Ex-Fuse technology revamped, positioned as cloud-based data solution.

Since it acquired Fuse IM early this year, Meera has rebranded and consolidated Fuse’s technology into the ‘Digital Energy Cloud’ (DEC). Central to DEC is Centrum, a PPDM-based ‘meta model’ and database.

Centrum connects to third party data stores using an integrated data virtualization engine. This allows structured, unstructured and spatial data to be combined leveraging custom business logic, scripts and workflows, and business. A built-in JBoss-based business process management engine automates and monitors complex workflows. Centrum can be hosted in the cloud (Fuse was an early adopter and tester of Amazon’s web services) or run on premises or by a preferred service provider. An enterprise edition is optimized for high availability, clustered installations.

An OpenLayers client interface provides map-based access leveraging the OGIS web feature service federating Bing/Google and Open Street Map. Various GIS technologies can be deployed, Open-GeoSuite, GeoServer and PostGIS. As Meera CTO Jamie Cruise told Oil IT Journal, ‘unlike some, GIS standards are actually standard!’ as he demoed visualization of Petrel ZGY time slices on a Mac. More from Meera.

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