Secure NOK’s Guidebook to drilling cybersecurity standards

A ‘myriad’ of ICS/scada standards cover drilling’s unique cybersecurity problem set.

One problem that confronts a would-be cybersecurity practitioner is the plethora of standards and initiatives that have been proposed by various stakeholders. Secure NOK, a Norwegian cybersecurity consultancy has done a great job of bringing all these together in context in its ‘Guidebook to current drilling control systems cybersecurity,’ a 67 page free download from Secure NOK.

The Guidebook covers relevant standards for industrial control systems and scada systems, from top level generic ISO 27001/27002 standards through US NIST SP 800 standards, Norway’s Norsok/OLF derivatives and ISA/IEC 62443 standards for industrial automation control systems.

The ‘myriad’ standards can seem hard to understand and implement and are too often an exercise in ‘compliance’ rather than a contribution to cybersecurity. The Guidebook addresses technical cybersecurity, industry best practices and legal and compliance issues.

Drilling systems present a particular attack surface to hackers and DCSC does a good job of mapping the standards maze. To navigate your way through it, you may find you need help from Secure NOK’s consultants.

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