Standards stuff

OPC open sources UA. Energistics rolls out ETP transfer protocol. Energistics/PPDM national repository metadata push. EarthServer ‘big earth data at your fingertips.’ OGC CDB.

The OPC Foundation is to make its OPC unified architecture (OPC UA) specifications and technology available as ‘open shared source’ on github. A release of the complete infrastructure for .NET (sic) is scheduled real soon now.

Energistics has released the Energistics Transfer Protocol2202 for real time inter-application data exchange using the EnergyML family of data standards, includes Witsml, Prodml and Resqml. Energistics’ raster well log depth registration data objects for Witsml have been released. They were developed under the auspices of the Standards leadership council in a joint Energistics – PPDM initiative. The Energistics-sponsored National data repositories special interest group is planning a new initiative to standardize metadata, in particular well header data. Contact Energistics for more.

The EU-backed EarthServer group initiative has announced ‘big earth data at your fingertips,’ a.k.a. ‘agile analytics on petabyte data cubes as a commodity.’ EarthServer uses Rasdaman’s raster data manager to enable researchers to browse, access and analyze massive multi-dimensional data sets from a wide range of sources. The system replaces isolated data silos with a single, uniform information space, eliminating the ‘artificial differentiation between data and metadata.’ Phase 2 of EarthServer has started up with the goal of petabyte-scale data cubes and the addition of the NASA World Wind viewer.

The Open Geospatial Consortium’s membership has ratified the OGC Common Data Base (CDB) specification as an OGC Best Practice. The CDB is an open format and encoding standard for the storage, access and modification of a representation of the natural and built environment for simulation applications. CDB defines the data representations required for a ‘worldwide synthetic representation’ of the earth along with the conventions required to support the subsystems of a ‘full-mission simulator.’ The CDB is tailored for real-time applications and provides support for inter-connected simulators that share a common view of the simulated environment.

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