Total has upgraded its SGI ICE X ‘Pangea’ supercomputer, adding 4,608 Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 nodes (110,592 cores) and 589 terabytes of memory in 8 SGI M-Cells. The update includes an additional 9.2 petabytes of storage. Pangea is located at Total’s Jean Féger Scientific and Technical Centre in Pau, France and will, once the new upgrades are installed, take some 4.5 megawatts from the grid.
Mustafa Kara presented certification consultants DNV GL’s cloud strategy at the recent IDC HPC User Forum in Norfolk, Virginia. DNV GL uses a cloud-based edition of Nimbix’s Jarvice platform to perform computational fluid dynamics calculations on oil and gas structures. Nimbix’s API is used to access Ansys Fluent software and to create tailored workflows. Jarvice is described as a self-service, elastic supercomputing architecture for big data and HPC applications.
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