OneGeology has published a cookbook on how to serve map data using a web coverage service. WCS produces images with MIME types like png, jpeg or gif that can be displayed natively in common web browsers.
There has been sparring in the US Congress over the mandatory use of the XBRL standard for company reporting. The debate centers on the cost of XBRL compliance and some organizations are mobilizing against this, the 4th attempt to pass the legislation.
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published the 2015 edition of IFRS as Global Standards: a Pocket Guide. Written by former IASB member Paul Pacter, the guide provides a summary of the use of IFRS in 138 countries around the world. The summaries are condensed versions of full jurisdiction profiles available on the website.
Nature has published the Nature Publishing Group’s core ontology, used publishing its articles and journals and classifying article-types and subjects. The ontology includes OWL classes and properties as well as a select number of SKOS taxonomies.
The OGC has published its ‘Guide for Software Acquisition’ as an official OGC white paper providing an overview of its compliance process and emphasizing the benefits of acquiring OGC-compliant products, as opposed to non-certified products that implement OGC standards.
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