Patent potpourri

Olivestar goes for Chevron. TDE for Moblize. Acacia fails against Petrel. New Patent Act proposed.

Olivestar LLC has filed for patent infringement against Chevron and 16 other US oil and gas companies, from Anadarko to Occidental for alleged infringement of US patent 8239481B2, ‘a method for controlling devices in a computer system.’

TDE Petroleum Data Solutions has filed against Moblize Inc. for alleged infringement of its US 6,892,812 B2 patent, an automated method and system for determining the state of a well. Incriminated products include Moblize’s ‘Well at a Glance.’

The wheels seem to have come off Acacia’s attempt to sue Schlumberger (Oil IT Journal Vol. 20 N°1) over Petrel’s alleged infringement of Austin Geomodeling’s 3D geology modeling patent. Kathryn Rubino’s (AboveTheLaw) analysis makes for interesting reading.

The zeitgeist of the Schlumberger ruling was reflected in a TelecomTV blog report on the new Patent Act, a bi-partisan bill in the US Congress that sets out to end abusive litigation by ‘whacking the trolls right in the pocket book.’

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