Speaking at a recent SPE event in Houston, Noah Consulting’s Curley Thomas offered some advice on establishing a system of record for wellbore schematics. Too often wellbore schematics are compiled from disparate spreadsheets, hand written notes and vendor data. For companies drilling large numbers of complex wells it is preferable to move to a wellbore schematic management system and a central repository of current information. Meetings with US regulators (BSEE and BOEM) confirmed that companies were reporting schematics in multiple formats with no consistency from engineer to engineer. Noah set out to see if some standards for schematics could be identified.
Peloton’s WellView application for well lifecycle data management was chosen for its ability to capture complete wellbore schematic information to a structured database for use by multiple stakeholders. A ten stage data cleanup approach was proposed, along with a change management process to adapt WellView to client-specific requirements.
A sample workover package including schematics was submitted to the BSEE which met with immediate approval. Noah advocates using SharePoint to collate documents and track data cleanup prior to loading to WellView. More from Noah and Peloton.
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