Geovariances has announced an R&D consortium to investigate uncertainty in seismic depth conversion, described as a ‘classical although challenging task.’ The aim is to develop a dedicated software tool to overcome current issues.
Badleys has launched a carbonate fault rock group led by Quentin Fisher (University of Leeds) to examine the sealing potential and transmissibility of ‘carbonate-hosted’ faults. The results will be implemented in Badley’s TrapTester/TransGen. Badleys has also kicked off an investigation into the structure and tectonics of deepwater rifted margins in collaboration with ION Geophysical. , applying quantitative geodynamic analysis to ION’s BasinSpan data.
Calsep has joined the Danish Technical University’s center for energy resources engineering (Cere) to further thermodynamic modeling and algorithm development for phase equilibrium simulations.
CGE is inviting partners in its ‘bow tie’ examples library initiative, a depository of information on risk analyses. The database will showcase bow ties and their linkage to risk management systems.
The three year EU ‘Faster’ project has now completed. Faster built an experimental version of Maxeler’s dataflow engine which has not however been adopted in the production release. Faster received a €2.8 million contribution from the EU’s 7th Framework program.
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