Fiatech, the engineering and construction standards body, finalized its plans for accelerating industry adoption of reference data libraries (RDL) during a virtual meeting late last year. The work is a joint Fiatech, Mimosa and POSC/Caesar association collaboration.
Jen Garfield (ExxonMobil) and Alan Johnston (MIMOSA) introduced the Improving RDL content project. The intent is to improve the ISO 15926 RDL quality and structure to ensure it is fit for purpose and to publish templates ‘so that Part 8 implementation can become a reality.’ This is to be achieved by leveraging COTS semantic tools to use the RDL out of the box and to provide real world data ‘to combat the anecdotal notion that ‘the RDL is not complete enough.’ The initiative also focuses on equipment/device data types, connectivity (P&ID) and geospatial layout of 3D plant models.
Current data sheet utility and usage is limited because sheets are in PDF or document formats. But, contrary to popular belief, turning data sheet elements into structured, machine readable documents is not an insurmountable task. Because of this misconception, industry operations and maintenance groups are constantly retranscribing large portions of data sheet information to perform calculations for critical performance and safety issues. The ‘immense cost’ of this work is passed on to the client.
In reality, most EPC and engineering organizations believe that only a small number of data elements are needed to satisfy the needs for engineering data handover to an owner operator. Hence the interest in consolidating industry standard datasheet definitions (including API, ISA, IEC, ISO and NORSOK) as machine interpretable, with UUIDs assigned to each element. This work will be aligned with ISO 15926 or IEC property classes, with Energistics’ units of measure and aligned with ECCMA material procurement codes.
A first phase proof of concept will consider a mix of complex and simple equipment based on a realistic break down from recent oil and gas industry capital projects. The projected budget for the project is $1.15 mm over 2 years. Mimosa president Alan Johnston is to head-up the project team. More from Fiatech.
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