Ecopetrol takes Skua on test flight

Paradigm’s interpretation flagship’s ‘pillar-less’ gridding captures Colombia’s complex geology.

A new white paper from Paradigm describes how Colombian Ecopetrol has used the Skua geomodeling tool to build a static model of a mature field in the tectonically complex Middle Magdalena basin. Following a recent drilling campaign, Ecopetrol believed that some reservoirs had been inaccurately mapped leading to sub-optimal exploitation.

Paradigm’s Skua uses ‘pillar-less’ technology that allows complex faulting and stratigraphy to be accurately captured ‘with no need to simplify the data to fit technologies that cannot handle high levels of complexity.’

Data from 185 wells, 23 stratigraphic units and seismics were modeled providing an accurate representation of reservoir complexity including reverse faults. A conceptual deposition model was used to build a 3D facies cube. Paradigm Jacta was also deployed to assess uncertainties in the final model.

Ecopetrol head of EOR said, ‘Skua provided us with new and accurate information on reservoir volumetrics. The use of advanced technology that took all the data into account has enhanced confidence in our drilling decisions.’

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