PPDM data management conference 2014, Kananaskis

Concho’s well hierarchy. 451 Data Solutions - what is a regulation? OpenSpirit’s workflow palettes.

The annual Professional petroleum data management (PPDM) symposium was held in Kananaskis, Alberta late last year with around 150 in attendance. The eponymous PPDM data model—now at version 3.9 has grown to some 2,700 tables, 71,000 columns and 26,000 constraints. PPDM’s ‘what is a well’ initiative has blossomed into a well hierarchy that EnergyIQ has deployed for Concho. The hierarchy is now a foundation for lifecycle data integration.

Marc Fine (451 Data Solutions) provided an introduction to the intricacies of well status and classification. Terminology—even that imposed from a regulator can be confusing. An ‘active’ well in Arkansas is one that is capable of producing hydrocarbons, in California it is any drilled and completed well and so on. The PPDM well classification and status workgroup has mapped codes from 39 regulators in Canada and the US. The agencies have been contacted to check definitions and so far, 1,500 codes and definitions have been mapped to PPDM ‘facets.’ Facets allow multiple types of classification to be defined separately re-using the same information. Examples include the regulatory life cycle and wellbore status facets.

Clay Harter from event sponsor OpenSpirit introduced its pre-built ‘palettes’ that have been leveraged in various workflows. These include data sync across a corporate well master and Schlumberger’s Studio/Petrel environment. OpenSpirit is even used to sync between Prosource and Studio (both from the Schlumberger stable!). Another palette connects Petrel to Landmark’s engineering data model EDM so that perforations, casing and tubing data and drilling events can be viewed. A subsurface search option is claimed to ‘make finding and using subsurface data as easy as finding a restaurant on Google maps.’

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