Version 5.0 of dGB Earth Sciences’ Open dTect seismic interpretation package will be released at the SEG in October this year. Open dTect is delivered under a ‘freemium’ model with an open source base release augmented with commercial extensions from dGB and third parties. Development is also supported by sponsor-led development. The 5.0 release sees a move of the documentation to HTML5 using the Madcap Flare authoring tool and the addition of a connection to Matlab.
A new ‘directional texture’ plugin from Austria’s Joanneum Institute allows calculation of grey-level co-occurrence matrix energy in all directions. Attributes have been ‘pre stack enabled.’ BG Group has sponsored the development of a base map/contouring package while a new ‘finger vein’ fault tracker was backed by Marathon. A ‘Geo-Data-Sync’ developed by Ark CLS provides direct access to Petrel from Open dTect and vice versa—both sans data duplication. More from dGB.
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