Speaking at Intelligent Energy earlier this year, Bill McKenzie (Chevron) reported progress on ‘SAM’ a standard for a ‘shared asset model.’ SAM sets out to mitigate proliferating acquisition in the digital oilfield with a ‘single source of truth.’ SAM can be implemented as a database or as a ‘facade,’ or as logical data on top of existing stores. Energistics is planning an open source SAM reference implementation but, ‘vendor adoption will be critical.’
The Open Geospatial Consortium is seeking comments on a new big data domain working group—checkout the charter.
The EPSG geodetics dataset is now available at an OGP-hosted minisite on www.epsg.org and the geodetic parameter registry on www.epsg-registry.org.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation has announced a new release of GDAL/OGR, a C++ geospatial data access library for raster and vector file formats, databases and web services. GDAL includes bindings for several languages, command line tools and the latest EPSG 8.2 database.
Energistics’ Prodml V1.3 standard release candidate is now available for public review. The release covers additional functionality in the distributed temperature sensing (DTS) implementation.
Energistics has also published the Energy Industry Profile (EIP) Version 1.0 of ISO 19115-1. EIP is an open metadata exchange standard for structured and unstructured geographical information of importance to the energy community. Energistics’ Geoportal (qu’est-ce que c’est?) is a reference implementation of a searchable catalog compliant with the new standard.
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