security information management (PSIM) software provider VidSys is to
add HP/Autonomy’s Idol unstructured data processing engine to its
security solution for operations centers. VidSys’ PSIM platform blends
and correlates data streams from sensors, mobile devices and
applications to provide ‘actionable intelligence’ to first responders,
senior executives and other authorized stakeholders.
The addition
of HP Autonomy extends PSIM analytics to diverse information sources
including free text, image, audio and real-time video sources. In
particular, social and broadcast media will be monitored in real time
to ‘anticipate and mitigate’ potential security incidents. According to
VidSys, organizations must process a ‘vast array’ of information,
including social media, video surveillance, email (really?), case files, criminal records, and physical location data to identify potential threats. In
the oil and gas vertical, VidSys poster child is Smartech Security
whose Favinca Colombia unit has deployed PSIM software at several of
Pacific Rubiales’ international locations. More from VidSys.
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