More from the Standards Leadership Council

Witsml to Ppdm mapping. Mimosa’s enterprise architecture, units of measure, spill research.

A bit of overflow from last month’s report from the Paris Standards Leadership Council meet. An Energistics/Ppdm joint presentation from Jana Schey and Trudy Curtis investigated mapping between the ‘deep’ Witsml and the ‘broad’ Ppdm data models. Work is still underway with input from IHS and Neuralog. Mappings have been gathered in an Excel spreadsheet which was used in a follow up presentation from ETL Solutions’ Richard Cook. Data loading from Witsml to Ppdm is doable providing it is ‘well formed’ i.e. schema compliant. Apostrophes and ampersands in Witsml comments can cause problems and not all domains are covered in both models. Hand coding tweaks and validation are still required and Ppdm customization may cause other issues. It is a good idea to separate data access from mapping logic using Ppdm’s ‘system_map’ and ‘map_rule’ tables. Cook questioned the use of Excel as a tool for data mapping. A better alternative would be to leverage the ISO Express modeling language as used in Epicentre. But ‘this is not going to happen.’ In the Q&A the use of ETL’s Transformation Manager or IBM’s Rational Rose were considered but rejected as ‘commercial’ tools.

President Alan Johnson gave a wide ranging recap of Mimosa’s ‘open systems architecture for enterprise application integration.’ Mimosa’s common relational information schema (Cris) is now downplayed in favour of data transfer and interoperability. BP used Mimosa components in its downstream data model covering OPC and ISA95. Current projects include OpenO&M and a joint ‘IT Architecture’ effort with Posc/Caesar.

Michel Condemine (4DE Industry) outlined the OPC’s OPC UA meta model with its sub-models for different verticals—automation, smart grid and (maybe) oil and gas. The OMG’s meta object facility (MOF) should be a good way to perform mappings such as Witsml/Ppdm above.

Jay Hollingsworth provided an update on Energistics units of measure (UoM) initiative. The venerable Posc UoM has seen wide use but needs a refresh. This is underway as a joint effort with Ppdm and the SEG to create a machine readable UoM standard for oil and gas. A preliminary deliverable is available in the form of a rather intimidating zip file.

Other Energistics news—a move ‘beyond’ XML to HDF5 and the possible adoption of web sockets in a ‘next generation’ Witsml release to enable streaming data. Energistics is also about to publish an Energy Industry profile of ISO 19115.

The OGC’s Athina Trakas presented new open standards for oil spill response developed under the auspices of a post-Macondo JIP including IPIECA and Resource Data. The standard includes GIS and a reference architecture for a ‘common operating picture.’

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