A team of
Chinese and Australian researchers have just published a paper* titled,
‘Combining photogrammetry and augmented reality in an integrated
facility management system for the oil industry.’ The authors propose
an ‘augmented visualized plant management system (AVPM) that integrates
two visualization techniques and a cloud-based data server.
Case studies
show how operators can pinpoint faulty components using switchable
photogrammetric and augmented reality scenes and access equipment
maintenance information in the database.
The system is
claimed to circumvent issues with current approaches which fail to
communicate the complex connections and interactions between the
components, such as power, control and information systems. Systems
based on drawings are replaced by digital representations, eliminating
much manually preparation and contextual ambiguity.
Tools of the trade include Kolor Software’s image stitching and virtual tour packages and the Metaio
open-source augmented reality SDK. XML code is generated automatically
with Kolor’s Krpano, a ‘small, flexible high-performance viewer for
panoramic images and interactive virtual tours.’
* Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 102, No. 2.
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