SCM E&P Solutions has released added new ‘tips and tricks’ for Schlumberger’s Petrel Studio 2012, a compendium of ergonomic shortcuts for the popular geosciences interpretation suite.
The 2014 edition of Blue Marble’s Geographic calculator includes display of EPSG ‘area of use’ polygon data, improved vertical coordinate system handling and new ‘land survey summaries’ for use with Canadian survey systems.
Calsep has added a new interface to Halliburton’s Wellcat engineering software to the 21.2 release of its PVTsim fluid compositional modeler.
Baker Hughes and WellDog’s co-developed ‘AquaTracker’ is a permanent multi-zone aquifer monitoring system for coal seam gas producers.
Dassault Systèmes has released the 2014 edition of its 3DExperience product design and lifecycle management platform, heralding a ‘broad move’ of its software to the cloud.
Invensys’ SimSci APC 2014 combines an intuitive graphical user interface with a ‘rigorous and robust’ calculation engine for advanced process control applications, leveraging a ‘natural workflow’ that includes support for model case file development and connectivity with digital control systems.
Exprodat has upgraded its suite of Esri ArcGIS-based upstream applications with new play-based exploration workflows. A data assistant transfers data between commonly used oil and gas data formats and ArcGIS. And Team-GIS’ ‘Unconventionals analyst’ streamlines reserves booking and well pad planning workflows for factory drillers.
Qbase has announced MetaCarta for SharePoint 2013, a plug-in that ‘geo-enables’ structured and unstructured content inside the SharePoint environment. MetaCarta combines map-based geographic search with traditional text and keyword search. Its geo-parsing solution uses natural language processing and what is claimed to be ‘the world’s largest gazetteer’ to identify and disambiguate geographic references.
Midland Valley Exploration (MVE) has retooled its structural geological modeler around a core geological toolkit, ‘Move.’ The 2014 release combines model building, analysis and surface management functions. A new stress analysis tool analyzes fault and fracture systems under a user-defined 3D stress state for risk evaluation of complex reservoirs, earthquakes and CO2 storage. The new release also offers 3D seismic data and imagery/terrain model manipulation.
Norsar’s SeisRox 3.0 introduces a new full-field workflow for forward modeling of the pre-stack depth migration response of large reservoir models. Models can be imported from Schlumberger’s Eclipse or built from imported surfaces or NORSAR-3D models. The new release models coil and other complex shooting geometries. SeisRox runs on 64-bit Windows and Linux.
ExxonMobil Upstream Research has awarded a commercial license of its InteliRed gas detection system to Providence Photonics. InteliRed uses artificial intelligence to analyze infrared camera images and detect escaping hydrocarbon gases. The system, which was co-developed with PP, has application in refineries, LNG and gas processing facilities.
Pegasus Vertex’s Cempro+ adds zonal isolation quality assurance calculations integrating mud removal optimization, solving 3D momentum and continuity equations, fluid concentrations and displacement efficiency.
Noumenon has announced a ‘speed reader’ for relational databases. Originally developed for use with its SP3/XMpLant plant data store, the technique promises hundred-fold speedup for any large database, especially Oracle.
Orange Business Services has hiked its satellite service to the Americas with more bandwidth, new offshore licenses and two new teleports. The offering targets inter alia the oil and gas vertical.
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