Emerson Process Management has announced an ‘integrated operations’ (IO) initiative that combines its technology, a real world ‘experiential’ lab and consulting services. The initiative promotes accessible expertise and the ‘safe, collaborative collocation of essential personnel.’ Emerson’s Peter Zornio explained, ‘Running production operations is challenging in today’s dull, distant, dirty and dangerous locations where few people want to work. A problem compounded by the cost and scarcity of skilled workers.’
IO allows cross-functional teams to operate from ‘more desirable’ locales, leveraging video conferencing and real-time access to asset data to streamline decision making. Emerson is offering a test bed for IO deployment in the form of its ‘iOps Center’ located in Austin, Texas. Here a working model of a production enterprise lets customers experience Emerson’s ‘next generation’ cross discipline decision making.
Emerson’s Jim Nyquist added, ‘We have partnered with Dell, Barco, Cisco, OSIsoft and others and can now give customers a clear vision of what’s possible.’ Emerson is now looking to expand its iOps network to other locations. More from Emerson.
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