Weatherford Laboratories’ Brazilian unit is to standardize on Endeeper’s Petroledge and RockViewer solutions for petrographic knowledge management. Weatherford geologists will perform data acquisition and management of sedimentary petrography directly into the tools which are claimed to accelerate petrological data capture, analysis and reporting.
Weatherford Labs provides rock and fluid analyses including core analysis, geochemistry and reservoir evaluation. The use of Endeeper’s tools will simplify data load to corporate databases of clients like Petrobras using Petroledge and RockViewer software.
Endeeper’s products leverage XML-based knowledge and data models that can be exported for use in semantically-aware applications. Endeeper considers this facet of its knowledge modeling to be a key differentiator. Endeeper’s engineers have been working with knowledge modelling since the 1990’s and the products are ready for integration based on ontologies and semantic applications. More from Endeeper.
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