Lloyd’s Register Energy and Senergy are participating in joint industry project to ‘align existing reservoir simulation models with high-performance inflow and wellbore flow simulators.’ Other project participants are the Danish Technical University and Danish provider of robotic intervention and completion solutions, Welltec AS. The €4 million ‘Project Option,’ funded by the Danish National advanced technology foundation, is focused on enhancing production from horizontal wells. Lloyd’s and Senergy will provide improved reservoir modelling techniques, which will be critical to the development of the next generation of industry software technologies. The increased understanding of the interface between reservoir and well performance will improve well and completion design to enhance productivity and oil recovery.
Senergy CTO Iain Morrison said, ‘We will apply our production optimisation expertise to model the interface between the reservoir and the wellbore where today’s commercial simulators have significant shortcomings. Wellscope, our computational fluid dynamics well and near-wellbore modeling solution is integral to the Option project.’ More from Lloyd’s and Senergy.
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