'MOST,’ Total’s management, societal commitments tool

AidImpact, Altermondo Consulting help with sustainable development and stakeholder relationships.

An article in the December 2013 issue of Total’s Techno Hub publication describes how the sustainable development team of Total upstream organization has worked with Toulouse, France based AidImpact to develop ‘Most,’ a management operational societal tool. Most manages social commitments undertaken in line with Total’s societal policy and provides a framework to manage stakeholder relationships, the impact of oil and gas activities on local communities and Total’s contributions to social and economic development.

Most has been in use since January 2011 at Total’s upstream affiliates and has been localized and adapted to each affiliate’s needs, terminology and procedures. Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, Most is a modular solution that integrates with other Total IT systems including GIS and SAP and its stakeholder relationship management tool ‘SRM+.’ SRM+ was developed with support from Paris-based Altermondo Consulting.

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