PCA and Mimosa team on reference architecture

PISTEP, ISO 15926, OpenO&M in blender of ‘generalized enterprise reference architecture.’

The Mimosa and POSC/Caesar Associations (PCA) have just published version 1.0 of their joint Reference architecture framework (RAF) for engineering and operations. The RAF is claimed to benefit designers of new applications and IT systems and to serve as a classification system for existing oil and gas IT infrastructure. RAF takes earlier standards and models like PISTEP, OpenO&M, ISO 15926 and MIMOSA, adds in a goodly dose of high level concepts—TOGAF, and the Purdue enterprise reference architecture—to generate a set of models (actually PowerPoint slides) describing service agreements, system engineering, software interoperability, semantic ontology and standards utility.

Appendices cover various ‘instantiations’ of the different models—in fact sketches of previous joint industry projects covering engineering data handover, production optimization and logistics. The authors conclude that the RAF now needs to be extended with a ‘reference architecture methodology’ (RAM) to become a complete ‘generalized enterprise reference architecture methodology and framework.’ We wish them luck.

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