Following the spinoff of its enhanced drilling unit AGR is reviewing strategy for its petroleum services branch. Alpha Corporate Finance is advising.
Applied Industrial Technologies has acquiredTexas Oilpatch Services of Houston.
Inspection certification specialist Applus has acquired TesTex Inspection. Industrial Capital Strategies advised on the deal.
Badger Explorer has benefitted from the Research Council of Norway’s largesse following a successful application to Norway’s PetroMaks-2 program. RCN has awarded Badger 13.2 million NOK to develop its high pressure high temperature ultrasonic technology.
Berkshire Hathaway is acquiring pipeline drag reduction specialist Phillips Specialty Products in an exchange of stock. Warren Buffet said the deal ‘focuses growth on our midstream and chemicals businesses.’
has acquired Iron Mountain’s UK tape transcription business. IM is to keep its storage and tape management services and gets a 25% share in Katalyst. IM clients will gain access to Katalyst’s iGlass and SeismicZone solutions.
Petroskills has acquired oil country e-learning specialist Resource Development Company. RDC provides competency testing services to ‘tens of thousands’ of operators, technicians and professionals each year. PetroSkills was created in 2001 by BP, Shell and OGCI.
Rebellion Photonics has closed a $10.4 million financing round with Tinicum L.P. and other private investment partnerships. The monies will be used to promote Rebellion’s gas leak detection cameras.
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