ESRI, OSIsoft provide Dong’s operational intelligence

New PI integrator for ArcGIS to collect Scada data from future 1,800 turbine windfarm.

Dong Energy has deployed an operational intelligence solution spanning process control and GIS at its growing offshore wind farm. The deployment is a poster child for the new PI Integrator for ArcGIS, an ‘out-of-the-box’ solution that connects real-time operational data streams to Esri’s mapping technology.

Dong will be operating 1,800 offshore wind turbines by 2020. Remote monitoring of turbine, wind and wave conditions along with the location of service personnel will help minimize downtime. A €20 million per year saving in operating costs is anticipated. Dong lead data architect Anders Røpke said, ‘Offshore is a challenging and expensive environment. Remote monitoring will maintain health and safety standards and reduce operating costs.’ PI Integrator for ArcGIS provides an integrated geography-time perspective that exposes patterns in operational performance that might otherwise go undetected.

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