Baker Hughes’ new Completion ArchiTex completion design software creates accurate high-resolution 3D models of well trajectory, casing, tubing, and subassemblies. The tool handles complex multilateral and dual string completions and supports supply chain workflows and process adherence.
PetroDE 5.0 promises cloud-based oil and gas intelligence with a choice of basemap layers and improved rendering of closely spaced wells. Users can chose between Esri, OpenStreetMap and various Google Maps options adding industry-specific layers from IHS, Drillinginfo, US agencies and in-house systems.
Aveva NET 5.0 comes with a new HTML5-based GUI, enhanced 3D visualization, configurable tag and document content cards and a ‘cloud-ready’ architecture.
BPT has announced two new products. BPT ROX (for steady state and dynamic simulation of orifice and venturi flow meters in HySys) and BPT EXT (for Excel reporting).
Geosoft has released Valem (voxel assisted layered earth modeling), a cloud-powered inversion service for users of its GM-SYS 3D potential field modeler.
HP/Autonomy has released an ‘intelligent’ retention and content management solution, HP Records manager, to help ‘retain and manage high value and high risk business content in a fully compliant repository.’
Madagascar, the open source seismic imaging package now comes pre-installed on a ‘Crunchbang’ (Debian) image for installation on Oracle’s VirtualBox.
MCAConnect has released an oil and gas industry-specific joint venture accounting option for its Microsoft Dynamics AX-based AX4energy suite.
Mentor Labs is offering a free no-install cloud-based trial of FloEFD, its computational fluid dynamics solution.
Schlumberger has announced the alpha release 5 of its Ocean framework for Petrel with a preview of features planned for 2015.
Pegasus Vertex has released PathView 3.0 with new multilateral 3D visualization function and aids for well path collision avoidance.
Recon Technology has developed a novel fracking system, FracBHD, claimed to be a low cost alternative to ‘expensive foreign systems’ currently in use. The solution for multi-stage, open-hole horizontal wells is said to maximize reservoir productivity and save completion time.
The latest R2.2 release of CGG/Hampson-Russell’s HRS-9 includes azimuthal analytics, volume processing of azimuth stacks, rose diagram and polar Fourier spectra.
Rock Flow Dynamics’ tNavigator 4.1.2 includes improved performance on compositional models and models with massive water zones, a new adaptive implicit method for compositional and black oil models and a capability for unstructured faults in geological models.
Schlumberger’s 2014.1 edition of its PipeSim steady-state multiphase flow simulator is described as ‘the second release of the 3rd generation user interface.’ An earlier 2012.2 edition is still current as functionality and connectivity moves to the new version.
The latest V8.4 edition of Stone Bond’s Enterprise Enabler data virtualization platform provides easier installation and faster start-up along with a new ‘agile integration interface’ and extended connectivity via AppComm to Microsoft Dynamics, Json and Excel.
A new release of Yokogawa’s ProSafe-RS safety instrumentation system claims improved control and connectivity with the Centum VP production control system. R3.02.20 offers open communication protocols to improve connectivity with third party Scada systems.
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