Last year we reported on Paradigm’s ‘Epic’ open data environment. How is this shaping up?
We have two linked initiatives. One, an open data connector, leverages the new Resqml 2.0 standard from Energistics. The technology is available in our 2014.1 release and is used in our Petrel connector. This plug-in outputs Resqml data for consumption in our Epos framework. The current version has been developed independently of Schlumberger so that we have control of the implementation on both sides. We may review this if and when Schlumberger comes up with a Resqml interface. The solution provides Petrel connectivity to Epos, Skua and SeisEarth.
How was this done before?
Reservoir models used to be exchanged via Eclipse data files.
Is Resqml your ‘official’ connectivity route or just an option?
This is our only connectivity solution! It is an industrial-strength product, used to connect all our Epos-based products.
Can Resqml data be validated as conforming to the standard?
Not currently although the Resqml developers are planning a validator.
Will you be sharing your link implementation with third parties?
The link is free to Paradigm clients who can use it to connect their own applications. We are working on our side too, to support Resqml data structures.
Will Resqlml displace Epos?
No but Epos is undergoing a gradual transformation to a Resqml style. We already use HDF5 for seismic data.
What is happening with the ‘OpenDB’ project you announced last year?
This is our initiative to build an E&P database that blends PPDM and Resqml.
That sounds like squaring the circle!
Not really. We use concepts from both standards, improving the way PPDM tags objects by adding a fundamental UID. PPDM’s frame concept was used in Resqml. The models are closer than you might think.
PPDM to Resqml mapping sounds like a good project for the Standards Leadership Council?
Perhaps, but right now we are more interested in building EnergyML. We want to bring together the work done on Witsml, Prodml and Resqml and put them on a sound common footing. Then we can look to extend the core concepts.
That’s no small task!
Recently things have been very buoyant in the standards space with a lot of enthusiasm from vendors and strong support from several majors. Also there have been many real-world implementations. This is what drives success, implementation and debugging. There has been a cultural shift too, with more involvement from professional software engineers, unlike the enthusiasts of the early days. Now there are more folks with dual IT/domain specializations. Of course this momentum was helped by $120 oil. Things may change now!
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