Siemens’ virtual data ‘explorers’ for wells, fracs and CBM

Partha Ray describes flagship deployments of Simatic IT XHQ at Saudi Aramco and shale drilling.

Speaking at the Quest Smart E&P conference in Perth, Australia last month, Partha Ray provided a whistle stop tour of Siemens’ flagship oil and gas deployments. Siemens Simatic IT XHQ underpins Saudi Aramco’s enterprise monitoring solution deployed on the giant Ghawar field. Here XHQ dashboards link real time data feeds from flow meters, tank levels and pump rates with financial information. Events likely to affect production are flagged with their implied monetary cost and XHQ allows drill-down to equipment tags from the data historian. .

Siemens’ work in industrial processes has lent itself to the factory drilling paradigm of the shale industry where maintenance-repair-operations technology has been repurposed to ‘track the frac.’
Siemens’ claim is that data from a vast array of petrotechnical and financial sources (ERP, Petrel, Oracle, LIMS, Aspen, PI and more) can be blended into a single virtual data source, ‘isolating’ end users from the plethoric back ends.

The offering is served as a variety of ‘explorers,’ for wells, hydraulic fracs, coal seam development and even employee and vendor payables. Raw and derived data (KPIs) pass through the XHQ data services layer for subsequent analysis, simulation, discovery and other applications. One such target application is the ‘virtual well test’ that leverages machine learning, comparting real time tubing head pressure against historical well tests into Statistics & Control’s OptiRamp simulator. More from Quest.

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