John Farrell described how Fidelity E&P has built a US well catalog from its own database and IHS’ 4.4 million well data set. Farrell stressed the importance of automation in keeping the catalog current—there are ‘no humans in the loop.’ A fairly powerful server applies business rules on source data priority overnight. Tools of the trade include a SQL Server database, Python, ArcGIS, IHS Enerdeq API and Microsoft’s task scheduler. The system has been running for over two years. Farrell described the Enerdeq web services API as ‘sensible, stable and fast.’
In a rather spectacular presentation, Devon Humphrey (Waypoint Mapping) and John Klier (Texas State) showed how full motion video (FMV) from drones and other aircraft can be rendered as an operational GIS layer. FMV along with point cloud and high definition digital orthometric views can now be collected in a single flight. FMV is recorded using a standard from the Motion industry standards board (MISB). Use cases include pipeline route planning, environmental impact assessment and emergency management. The presentation showed how airborne-derived situational awareness was key to managing the Deepwater Horizon incident. Here Arc Server and Adobe’s Flex were used to serve near real-time imagery of the spill to multiple endpoints. Real time processing of full motion video developed for the US Reaper and Predator drones provides real time, georeferenced GIS-ready data. The presentation ended with collection of drone images and imagery.
At the end of an impressive demonstration of corporate GIS deployment, OMV’s presenters summarized the role of GIS in information management throughout the life cycle of a mature field. For OMV, ‘GIS can bring enormous strategic, tactical and operational support to asset monitoring, data gathering and visualization.’
In a similar vein, Sylvain Bard-Maïer demonstrated how GIS circumvents many of the problems of ‘traditional’ data management with a presentation of Total’s Eureka project. Total has embedded a complete E&P data model in an ESRI file geodatabase that allows for access and visualization of a range of geosciences and engineering objects.
Mack Shippen described how Schlum-berger has embedded an ArcGIS for Windows presentation foundation interface in its Pipesim pipeline flow assurance package. The interface allows for topographic information to be extracted from the GIS and used to derive elevation profiles and to map network topology. Schlumberger is now working to create networks from shape files and the PODS/APDM data model. More from the PUG home page.
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