Total’s Pangea just misses TOP 10 at Frankfort HPC event

China’s Tianhe-2’s 34 petaflops blows away competition. Saudi Aramco’s Makman iDataPlex cluster.

The latest edition of the authoritative TOP500 list of global supercomputers was unveiled this month at the 2013 International supercomputing conference in Leipzig. The TOP500 list is headed by Tianhe-2, a home brew machine at China’s national university of defence technology. Tianhe-2 report 34 petaflops on the Linpack benchmark from 16,000 nodes each with two Intel IvyBridge controllers and three Xenon Phi (previously the Intel MIC) ‘supercomputer computer on a chip’ parallel processing units—a total of over three million cores.

Total’s Pangea supercomputer, a Xeon E5-based SGI ICE with a mere 110,000 cores (Oil IT J February 2012) comes in at N° 11 with a 2.3 petaflop peak. Other new oil and gas entries for 2013 are Saudi Aramco’s Makman, a 500 teraflop IBM iDataPlex DX360M4 cluster at N° 60 and Petrobras’ 350 teraflop Grifo06 Itautec cluster at N° 219.

The fastest Windows cluster is the 2012 entry of the Microsoft/HP ‘Faenov’ cluster running Windows Azure whose 167 teraflop bandwidth puts it at N° 241. Only three out of the 500 machines are cited as running Windows. Almost all the other TOP500 machines run Unix or Linux.

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