The 6.2 release of Energy Navigator’s ValNav reserves management tools includes a new ‘Five year equation’ methodology for unconventional reserves evaluation.
The 14.2 release of Blue Marble’s Global energy mapper adds support for the UKOOA P6/98 seismic positioning format.
Gyrodata has announced the GWD90 directional survey tool, capable of surveying wells with over 90° of inclination while drilling. A new communications link allows for a memory multishot survey to be run while tripping for additional accuracy.
Ikon Science has announced ChronoSeis GRI, a new tool for seismic reservoir characterisation that uses prior geological knowledge to guide seismic inversion and produces lithofacies and reservoir property volumes within a structural and chronostratigraphic framework. GRI produces 3D reservoir model properties and probabilistic reservoir evaluation from multi-realization analyses. The approach is claimed to be particularly suited to 4D seismic monitoring.
Intergraph is consolidating SmartPlant 3D, SmartMarine 3D and 3D Materials handling Edition into a single solution called ‘Smart 3D,’ slated for release later this year. The ‘2014’ release offers model data reuse. FEED designs using different catalogs and specifications cab be repurposed leveraging rule re-use, tag re-naming and specification interchange. The new functionality was used on the Shah gas project and got a thumbs-up from Saipem CIO Ugo Salvi.
The 2013 release of Geovariances’ Isatis for Oil & Gas has just rolled-out with ‘MAAFK,’ a new tool for time-lapse seismics. MAAFK, a.k.a. multiple acquisition automatic factorial kriging automates the extraction of common features (or differences) between surveys, eliminating acquisition noise and artefacts.
Paradigm’s 2011.3 release brings new GPU-based, real time voxel rendering to SeisEarth along with multi-horizon flattening, horizon slicing and property extraction. New interactive disk roaming allows investigation of massive 3D data volumes with limited system resources. SKUA now includes automated intra-formation seismic interpretation.
Oildex has announced Stakeholder, a new portfolio management solution for royalty owners, based on Oildex’s hosted financial data platform.
The 17.5 release of Petrosys’ mapping database will include hooks to DownUnder GeoSolutions’ Insight 3 interpretation suite.
Safe Software’s FME 2013 SP2 release adds Active Directory single sign-on functionality, background map viewing of ArcGIS Online basemaps and support for MySQL clone, MariaDB.
Spirit Global Energy Solutions’ has announced Genesis, an ‘intelligent’ artificial lift management device for downhole and surface artificial lift assets.
TD Williamson’s 20-inch multiple data set inline inspection tool offers deformation, axial magnetic flux leakage, mapping and more. New SpirAll MFL technology locates hard-to-detect pipe defects.
Varel has launched a smartphone-based hydraulic analysis application for modeling annular velocity in multiple drill strings and bits. The app includes specs of fixed cutter and roller cone bits along with a quick reference total flow area calculator.
Larson has added new features to VizEx GeoTech for printing full length logs side by side and new DWG format conversion.
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