A new 24 page publication from Exprodat Consulting, ‘GIS strategy review (GSR): approach and methodology’ investigates the rationale behind geographic information system strategy and its design and implementations. GSR also proposes a GIS maturity model and provides some anonymized benchmark metrics from a recent survey of Exprodat’s clients.
GIS is an ‘inherently horizontal technology’ with the capacity to link all parts of the business. But sound planning is required for success. Many projects stall early on because of poor initial scoping or the lack of a GIS roadmap.
Enter Exprodat’s GIS strategy model, a technology independent, scalable approach that starts with ‘functionality value gradient’ analysis. This runs from low level data management through to high value activities such as spatial analysis and prediction. GSR describes how Exprodat goes about determining the functionality required by a client and how to involve all stakeholders in achieving such.
While GSR does not delve into technology issues, it does provide an overview of GIS potential. A good target audience might be management unaware of GIS’ potential or complexity. One thing is for sure, most oil company GIS deployments are way short of realizing GIS’ full potential as is borne out by the benchmarks. To a large extent, fancy geoprocessing and GIS intelligence remains the stuff of ESRI PUG demos.
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