OGP rolls-out worldwide safety database

Post Macondo Global Industry Response Group builds incident database and ‘SWRP’ capping system.

The UK-based Oil & Gas Producers association (OGP) published a summary of how the industry has implemented recommendations made by its global industry response group (GIRG). The GIRG was set up after Macondo to focus on major incident prevention, intervention and response. The new document, ‘Offshore safety: Getting it right now and for the long term’ provides an update on the group’s activity three areas—improving drilling safety, well intervention and spill response.

Actions include the creation of an industry-wide well control incident database, assessment of blow-out-preventer reliability, improved training and the development of international standards for well design and operations. OGP has established a wells expert committee and a task force for each of these priorities. One GIRG spinoff is ‘SWRP,’ a subsea well response project that has already built a capping system. GIRG has also recommended the formation of an oil spill response joint industry project with participation from the American petroleum institute, the US marine spill response corp. and other key stakeholders.

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