The UK-based Oil and gas producers association (OGP) and the American petroleum institute (API) have created a task force to develop a ‘single set of industry standards’ that will be ‘globally accepted and widely used.’ Scope is regulation, safety, legal and environmental issues in the upstream.
Meanwhile the European standards organisations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) and the American national standards institute (ANSI) are to ‘maintain and intensify’ collaboration on aligning their standards to facilitate trade in goods and services between Europe and the USA.
The US Federal geographic data committee’s national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) held a leaders’ forum at the department of the interior this month to ‘gather input to help build the foundation for a new strategic plan.’ The plan is to finalize the plan by year end 2013.
jWitsml is working on version 2.0 of its Java Witsml library and is seeking sponsors prepared to contribute ‘live, real-time operational data for testing.’ jWitsml was launched by Statoil (Oil ITJ September 2010) and is independent of Energistics and the main industry software providers. The Java interface provides compatibility with Android-based mobile devices. V 2.0 will have ‘fully-fledged’ CRUD capability and support Witsml V1.4.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has formed a standards working group to progress the GeoSciML data model and schema for geoscience information interchange to the state of an OGC standard. Previously GeoSciML was owned by the International Union of Geological Sciences. Public comment is invited until the 8th April 2013.
The OGC has also approved a best practice document for semantic annotation of OGC standards. Semantic annotation involves the inclusion of descriptive metadata using the W3C’s Resource description format RDF in OGC web service environments (as far as we can tell from a rather wordy release).
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