Energistics’ standards work continues apace with Microml, a standard for microseismic recording and a new IT architectural foundation for all of Energistics’ standards. The architecture initiative is a reprise of an earlier attempt to homogenize Energistics’ modeling languages, EnergyML (Oil ITJ December 2010) which crashed and burned. The first deliverable, a shared completion object, will be jointly released by the Witsml and Prodml communities in Q2 2013.
An update for the Java Witsml client dev kit has been released with Witsml 1.2/1.3/1.4 compatibility, multi-threading and full ‘Crud*’ capability. The Prodml production data standard, somewhat dormant of late, was revitalized with a set of change requests from SaudiAramco and interest from ExxonMobil.
Work with the Standards Leadership
Council has led to a joint PPDM/Energistics project to deliver a Witsml connector
for PPDM data stores. In a similar vein, OPC is collaborating with Energistics
on OPC-UA data exchange. The Witsml SIG is also working on its own high-frequency,
low-latency API for real time data. Work with the US FracFocus organization
will likely result in a merge of FracFocus data and Witsml. Energistics is also
coming up with a certification
program, which appeared to garner interest from one major which reported
having been ‘burned’ with out of date software.
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