Blue Marble Geographics has consolidated its geospatial ‘Desktop’ modules into a new ‘Geographic Calculator.’
The 10.2 release of Caesar Systems’ PetroVR adds unconventional project evaluation across wells, facilities, drilling and EOR.
Drilling Info has announced a new reporting service DI Rigs. The service provides real-time location of thousands of rigs throughout the continental United States, currently representing around 80 %of active domestic rigs.
Enersight has expanded its eponymous drilling support system. Well planning now integrates previous plan iterations with actual results computing reserves, production, cash flow and NPV over time. A drilling and completions scheduling module supports pre-drill planning across land, site construction, rig scheduling, and fracturing.
Exprodat’s Team-GIS Discovery adds oil and gas-specific workflows to ESRI ArcGIS for Server. Team-GIS Discovery provides data-discovery tools, accessed from a web-mapping application and a suite of tools for search, map editing and annotation and high quality scaled hardcopy.
The 2013 edition Spatial Software’s FME Desktop adds support for X3D/VRML, 3D transformations, QA for 2D and 3D geometries. Point cloud tools now include calculations on intensity and echo count and filtering on color and intensity. Six new point cloud formats have been added, including ASTM E57.
Geologic Systems’ GeoScout 7.15 includes a Fluent/ribbon interface for the core analysis module with improved plotting, cutoff-based statistics based and LAS and core gamma ray data import.
GSE Systems has announced ‘3Di-TouchWall,’ a software/hardware bundle that provides a highly immersive simulation experience similar to a cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) at a ‘fraction of the cost.’
iVizEx from Larson Software is a CGM and TIFF viewer for the iPad and iPhone allowing viewing and annotation of large well logs and other geoscience images—1009. Larson has also introduced various routines for manipulating PDF files in its Studio plotting solution.
Ipcos has a new service offering ‘Controllers@Max’ comprising a review of existing controls and an analysis of P&IDs, processes and historical performance. Ipcos then generates a list of control ‘pain points’ to be addressed in order to stabilize plant performance.
LMKR has announced GeoGraphix 2013 with improved scalability and reliability to address ‘exponential’ increases in data size, evolving geologic workflows and data mining requirements. The release is based on the highly scalable SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 64 bit relational database. A new 3D topology engine supports more robust geomodel creation. LMKR is also working with Landmark to complete the transfer of GeoGraphix to LMKR.
Midland Valley has announced Move 2013 with new 2D/3D forward modeling and enhanced log viewing and correlation. Move now offers sector dependent nomenclatures for oil and gas and mining and a new Kriging tool.
Tofino reports that testing performed by Digital Bond has shown its security appliance resistant to the industry’s known sophisticated cyberattacks. The Modbus firewall withstood a variety of reverse engineering attacks, flooding, fragmentation and fuzzing—passing the tests with flying colors.
Merrick Systems has released a production data conversion toolkit to ease migration from Landmark’s TOW/cs to its own Production Manager.
Visual Solutions’ B2|Virtual Arena workflow collaboration tool introduces a new ‘high fidelity’ virtual presence technology for remotely shared desktops. B2|VA supports major oil and gas technical applications for science, engineering and operations.
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