This month sees changes to the way several upstream learned societies deliver their information assets. The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) is transitioning its digital library, a ‘corpus’ of over 35,000 articles, abstracts and books, to a new system based on Atypon Systems’ Literatum platform. The old system used the American Institute of Physics’ Scitation platform. A new Literatum for Mobile provides a more readily usable format for accessing content via mobile devices and tablets. The platform is also said to enable faster online publishing.
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists has also revamped its web presence with a map based interface to its Datapages archive of around half a million maps, photos, Bulletins and other information. The new Datapages Exploration Objects (DEO) GIS sees a migration of an earlier GIS-UDRIL archive to more recent ESRI ArcGIS Server technology.
Finally another SEG, the Society of Economic Geologists has teamed with Elsevier to port its 15,000 map archive to the Geofacets geographical search too
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