The 2012 edition of Weatherford’s Field Office is the first major release since Weatherford acquired CygNet Software (OITJ May 2011). The new release sees the adoption of CygNet’s Enterprise Operations Platform (EOP) as the infrastructure to Weatherford’s application portfolio. This includes applications for production optimization from conventional and unconventional reservoirs. The integration of real time SCADA data into Field Office is said to provide a ‘unified real-time production optimization solution for all artificial-lift types.’
Weatherford’s Steve Robb told Oil IT Journal, ‘Earlier versions of Field Office were well-centric. The 2012 edition is enterprise-centric and has a renewed focus on real time data. Today, most all wells require some form of artificial lift. Optimization requires real time communications from well to the office. Major producers now have to handle in the order of 5 billion data points per day. Unfortunately this data is often going into systems that lack a common platform, causing organizational chaos.’
Robb sees a general move from targeted engineering apps to a platform. Field Office can be extended to include third party tools (e.g. the Lufkin pump-off controller) through a ‘very open’ API. Today there are some 350,000 wells on Field Office, representing 75% of US gas and 70% of US oil production. Robb believes that operations should have a sponsor at the company board level. Alongside the CFO, CIO there should be a ‘C-OpsO’ for operations.
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