Halliburton has rebranded its recently-acquired UReason solution environment (USE) for real-time analytics as Zeta-Analytics. Zeta is a ‘big data’ platform architected for drilling and completions. Zeta captures Witsml feeds to a data warehouse (qualified solutions include Teradata, EMC Greenplum and IBM/Netezza). The toolset acts as a bridge to more static data in Landmark’s engineering data model, EDM. An Apache Hadoop cluster is deployed for real time model scoring.
The Zeta philosophy is that much of the real-time data streaming from the digital oilfield is discarded after drilling even though it has the potential to improve future operations. The Hadoop-based framework provides a unified data model with embedded drilling knowledge. Models can be tuned to new drilling environments and deployed across multiple wells.
UReason’s technology has previous oil and gas form, in process control and intelligent alarm management. The technology is claimed to provide operators with more time to react to ‘incipient abnormal situations.’ UReason underpins Invensys’ WAM alarm management. More from Landmark on www.landmarksoftware.com.
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