Austin, TX-based well data specialist Wellstorm has just rolled out ‘Subsurfr,’ a new well data browser that offers map, table and 3D visualization of logs and wellbore trajectories. Subsurfr uses Wellstorm’s Witsml service platform (WSP—Oil ITJ April 2010) for its 3D view.
The Subsurfr demonstrator has been ‘primed’ with logs, wellbore trajectories, and formation tops from North Dakota’s public domain dataset. The data has been converted to Witsml by Wellstorm and is hosted on Wellstorm’s WSP server. Wellstorm is also to offer users their own private WITSML storage area on Subsurfr, which can be connected to live feeds from service companies for upload of LAS data and spreadsheets with trajectory data. Subsurfr also displays seismic data—although there is currently none available in the North Dakota public domain data set.
Subsurfr’s mapping uses AOL’s MapQuest—now an open source mapping engine. 3D visualization likewise leverages open source technology—notably the WebGL plug in. While many browsers support WebGL, Internet Explorer requires a plug-in for this functionality.
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