Petris (now part of Landmark) has released DataVera 10.0 with a new web dashboard providing remote access to HealthCheck and MasterSet data. Charts, tables, and maps can be embedded in a corporate portal or wiki for better visibility of data governance initiatives. A file loader wizard configures overnight data import and a web services API provides workflow integration.
Headwave 2012.1 adds a gather tracker, a new AVO crossplot and promises a ‘holistic approach’ to seismic data QC, conditioning, attribute extraction and analysis.
Industrial Defender’s Survive service extends backup and recovery solutions to the control system. The Survive service, provided from ID’s SSAE/16 type II certified data center facilities, assures automation system availability across clients, servers and industrial endpoints like IEDs and RTUs.
Kepware Technologies’ new KEPServer-EX 5.9 industrial automation communications platform targets the oil and gas vertical with electronic flow metering (EFM) and wellsite information transfer Standard (WITS) level 0 drivers. EFM drivers tap into stored data to monitor and distribute real-time data and historical information for export to flow analysis and production accounting. The WITS drivers provide access to real-time drilling, MWD and mud logging data across multiple locations.
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has launched an app providing access to Norway’s production and license information from the NPD’s fact pages. Users can access information on fields, production licenses, companies, production and active exploration wells, as well as news from the ministry and NPD. Applaud helped develop the app.
A new plug in for Esri’s ArcMap 10 launches Petrosys’ surface modeling software and allows grids, contours and faults to be displayed as native Esri objects. The plug in handles 2D/3D interpretation data in Openworks, Seisworks, Kingdom, Petrel and others along with shapefiles and file geodatabases. The plugin allows access to E&P databases such as PPDM and Finder.
Pegasus Vertex ’ new Cementing Suite comprises CemPro, a mud displacement modeler, CentraDesign, for placement of casing centralizers, CTemp, for computing temperature distribution in the wellbore and CemView, an engineering toolbox that calculates volumes, material and cost of cementing operations.
SherWare has announced ‘Well Profits,’ an application that allows investors and royalty owners to track revenue and expenses by operator and property and integrates with QuickBooks. A hosted version is planned later this year.
The 3.5 release of Meridium asset performance management (APM) includes new solutions to centrally manage asset health and automate corrective actions through monitoring policies. Also new is an API 581-based risk calculator for relief devices and support the API 510, 570, and 653 standards. APM has been certified by Exida for API 580 compliance. APM received a strong endorsement from Jon Graham, VP EH&S for Apache.
Unity Management unit On Track Technology has completed a ‘green’ prototype hydraulic oil pump—the NG Pumping System. The ‘energy friendly’ pump targets new and stripper wells.
Researchers from GE, Chart Industries and the University of Missouri, under an ARPA grant, are to develop an at-home CNG refueling station to retail at $500 and re-fuel in under an hour.
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