The Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) has published the 2012 version of its unified model LNG master sale and purchase agreement (MSPA). AIPN President William Lafferrandre, ConocoPhillips explained, ‘The new MSPA will help promote the development of an LNG secondary market by reducing transaction costs and time involved in trading and hedging cargoes. The MSPA is the latest in a series of hydrocarbon-related model contracts published by the AIPN to facilitate the negotiation of energy transactions around the globe. The MSPA and other model contracts are free to AIPN members and are available to non-members, for a nominal fee, from the AIPN web site.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has formed a working group to promote the sensor web for the Internet of Things (IoT). OGC Sensor Web standards support complex tasks such as controlling Earth imaging satellites. Sensor Web for IoT convener, Steve Liang, director of the GeoSensorWeb Laboratory at the University of Calgary said, ‘These standards will ensure that sensors will be easy to read and control with web services while maintaining security and data integrity.’ More on the IoT from the OGC.
A release of the Dublin Core Metadata spec now includes HTML markup describing all of its properties, classes, datatypes, and vocabulary encoding schemes in machine-readable RDF. The new release leverages the W3C RDFa Lite 1.1 spec., described as ‘the simplest variant of the RDFa syntax for embedding structured data in web pages.’ RDFa web pages provide, in the same source document, both the human-readable text rendered on-screen by browsers and the detailed machine-readable representation needed by Semantic Web applications.
The OGC GeoSparql standard is now available. The standard defines a set of Sparql extension, rule interchange format (RIF) rules and a core RDF/OWL vocabulary for geographic information based on the general feature model, simple features (ISO 19125-1), feature geometry and SQL/MM (a spatial SQL standard). Download the spec here.
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