A 13 page white paper from Schlumberger and Altair Engineering provides a ‘how-to’ guide to integrating the Eclipse reservoir fluid flow simulator with Altair’s PBS Professional workload management system. The system was demoed at last month’s ISC with Eclipse running on the latest Intel MIC ‘supercomputer on a chip’ (Oil IT Journal October 2011).
PBS Professional allows Eclipse simulations to be run across diverse computing resources and locations to maximize throughput. End users see a single interface to all computing resources and IT managers can optimize available compute resources by dynamically distributing workloads across wide area networks. Large MPI-based jobs are run automatically as PBS detects failed nodes and reschedules tasks around them.
The integrated solution hides workload management from the end user who does not need to interact with PBS Professional. Full license management is also included. The functionality is available in the 2012 Eclipse and Intersect releases. Request the whitepaper and more on PBS Professional.
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