Ben Williams, VP & CIO of Devon Energy is a new member of the Energistics board.
Following ‘declining conference attendance and membership’ the geospatial IT association, GITA, is transitioning to a volunteer organization.
H.L.J. Noy has been appointed to Fugro’s supervisory board.
Noam Lotan, has joined the board of Acorn Energy unit US Seismic Systems.
Trey Clark is VP investor relations at Baker Hughes. Lynn Elsenhans has been appointed to the board.
Alan Jordan has joined Jee as a Principal Cables Engineer.
John Reed has joined the Cal Dive board. He was formerly with Global Industries.
CGGVeritas has appointed Olivier Gouirand as VP Finance. He was previously a French government advisor.
Spectraseis has appointed Dan Prairie senior sales engineer for seismic monitoring.
SIGMA³ has recruited Sean Spicer as chief software architect, Peter O’Conor as director, business development and Francois Lafferriere as director business development Latin America.
Mark Bulanda has been named executive VP industrial automation at Emerson.
EOC has appointed Yeo Keng Nien as company secretary.
Romario Lima is to head-up ffA’s new office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Exprodat is to offer Petroleum ArcGIS training in Houston with local partner Resolution Energy Services.
Database specialist Dick Miller has joined the SeisWare development team.
Peter Blake (Hatch Chile) has been elected chairman of Fiatech for a two-year term.
IPL has appointed Chris Bradley its board as chief development officer.
Tom Derry is to head up the Institute for Supply Management.
David Cecil has joined Lazard as MD and head of North American E&P. He was formerly with Scotia Waterous.
Markus Roithmeier has joined Panopticon Software as Senior VP for the EMEA Region. He hails from QlikTech.
Chris Rosson has been promoted to global business manager of Knight Oil Tools, and Greg Zaunbrecher to assistant global business manager.
Mark E. Peterson has joined Oceaneering as Vice President, Corporate Development. He was formerly with McDermott International.
Oildex parent Transzap has appointed Richard Slack as president and CEO.
The Oxford Princeton Program is offering an online course on the fundamentals of and trends in hydrocarbon exploration and production.
Randall Hull has joined Prometheus Energy Group as Director of Business Development, based in Houston, Texas. He was previously President of Petrochem Outsourcing.
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