Millennial Net, IPSO Alliance and the ‘Internet of Things’

Industrial wireless network provider to promote IP-based networking of ‘smart’ objects.

Industrial wireless network systems provider Millennial Net has joined the IPSO Alliance to develop applications for the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT). The IPSO Alliance seeks to promote the use of the Internet Protocol for the networking of Smart Objects. Dieter Schill, President and CEO of Millennial Net said, ‘More and more devices are gaining the ability to communicate with one another and we believe IP support is an important stepping stone to accelerate wide adoption of networked devices.’

Millennial Net’s MeshScape wireless mesh sensor networking operating system supports dynamic, ad-hoc and mobile applications requiring bi-directional communications. MeshScape is optimized for low power, scalability, recovery time and bi-directional latency.

While most IoT applications are in the utilities and smart grid space, Millennial Net has oil and gas form—notably as a member of the BP-backed Sensor Network Consortium (Oil IT Journal December 2004). Moreover it seems likely that the consumer smart grid technology will impact the oil and gas vertical before too long with its low cost, ubiquitous, standardized smart sensors. Well, maybe… More from IPSO and Millennial.

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