Energistics expects V1.0 of the energy industry profile of the ISO/DIS 19115-1 geographic metadata standard will be released real soon now.
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) has announced the release of area polygons for the EPSG geodetic parameter dataset. OGP has also published its Life-Saving Rules, some 18 ‘reminders’ that can mean the difference between life and death for people involved in upstream oil and gas activities. The rules have been compiled by the OGP’s safety data subcommittee, and are meant to modify worker and supervisor behaviors by raising awareness of the activities that are most likely to result in fatalities. The report is a free download.
ISACA has released COBIT 5, a framework for IT governance and management. The new release ‘promotes continuity between enterprise IT and its business goals.’ The framework is a free download.
Oasis has approved its Energy Interoperation 1.0 as a committee specification. EI describes information and communication models for energy transactions—2105. Oasis has also released Interoperability Guidelines for specification writers—2106.
PPDM is calling for participants for its global well identification framework committee.
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