VSG has announced Avizo Fire 7, 3D visualization and analysis software for digital rock physics and core analysis. The new release adds tools and workflows for analyzing, modeling and characterizing rock samples, from pore-scale to core-scale. An XLab Hydro tool computes absolute permeability—VSG.
The 9.5 release of Canary Labs’ Enterprise Historian includes replication and web services data access. A new mobile app provides for handheld data delivery. An Excel add-in and ODBC interface enables third party business systems to access data via SQL style queries—Canary Labs.
FaultSeal’s FaultRisk 4.0 has been ported to Java and modularized so components can be marketed separately. A FaultRisk plug-in for Landmark’s DecisionSpace Desktop has been announced—FaultSeal.
Fugro-Jason’s 3.3 release of PowerLog adds multi-interpreter collaboration, capillary pressure analysis and enhanced presentations—Fugro-Jason.
INT’s J/GeoToolkit 3.2 also leverages Java for portability. The new release adds new chart types including rose diagrams and polar plots, support for CSEGY format seismics and the DLIS well log data format. The contour libraries offer improved labelling strategies and collision avoidance—INT.
Baker Hughes’ 2011 SP1 Jewel Suite release claims enhanced data management, usability, performance and new multi-point statistics for facies modeling—Baker Hughes.
Neuralog has announced NeuraLabel, a continuous color laser label printer that meets all GHS and DOT requirements. NeuraLabel produces standardized labels for chemicals and hazardous materials that are resistant to abrasion, marine immersion, and UV exposure—Neuralog.
WesternGeco has released a log and seismic conditioning plug-in for Petrel. The plug-in includes log preparation for sonic calibration, wavelet extraction and synthetics generation—WesternGeco.
Terra 3E has released a plug-in for Petrel 2011. The Opus Terra toolbox builds proxy models of reservoir simulators, solves inverse problems and performs sensitivity and uncertainty analysis—Terra 3E.
Petris is about to release Winds DrillNET 2.0 adding usability enhancements, a database default repository, improved trajectory planning, casing stress check and pore pressure prediction—Petris.
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