Software, hardware short takes

HP, Intertec, C&C Reservoirs, MIT, IFS, ffA, Meyer, New Century, WellWhiz.

In the November 2011 edition of the TOP500 list of high performance computers, ENI’s 15,000 core HP Proliant based machine came in at N° 87 with a 163 teraflop bandwidth—Top 500.

Intertec has released an explosion proof instrumentation enclosure. An inert gas pressurisation system qualifies non explosion-protected equipment such as analyzers for use in IEC-Ex and ATEX Zone 1, 21, 2 or 22 hazardous areas—Intertec.

C&C Reservoirs has announced the user field knowledge platform. Accessible through the DAKS, digital analog knowledge system online service, UFK lets users input and manage their proprietary E&P data in a standard format—C&C Reservoirs.

MIT researchers have bested Cooley and Tukey with a ‘nearly optimal sparse’ Fourier transform algorithm. The lossy technique promises a ten fold speedup but your mileage may vary—MIT.

IFS has tuned its oil and gas construction market focused ERP solution to the Brazilian market. The new release of IFS Applications supports Brazilian legal including taxes and ‘Nota Fiscal’ documents. IFS customers include: Technip, Wellstream, Heerema, Babcock, Yantai Raffles and SeaDrill—IFS.

ffA, a.k.a. Foster Findlay Associates, has released ‘GeoTeric,’ a novel seismic interpretation package that ‘directly translates geophysical data into geological information.’ GeoTeric embeds ffA’s frequency decomposition and RGB colour blending technologies and introduces new ‘adaptive geobodies’ technology, co-developed with Lundin Norge—ffA.

Meyer’s 2012 suite adds time dependent midfield fracture pressure decline analysis to MShale and an enhanced 3D wellbore model for deviated wells. The latest release can handle much larger datasets thanks to a new 65 bit edition—Meyer.

New Century Software has released a geometric network synchronizer GNS for complex transmission pipeline systems. GNS comprises an Esri ArcMap extension and a server component that builds and maintains geometric networks in a PODS database. GNS can feed into business intelligence application New Century’s own Gas HCA tool—New Century.

Version 3.0 Of WellWhiz, a pre/post processor for CMG’s IMEX reservoir modeller adds perforation, casing and open hole gravel pack modelling, support for retrograde condensate, ‘wiggly wells’ and more—WellWhiz.

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